Good Afternoon Genet Families,

Happy Friday! I hope this e-mail finds you all well and ready for a beautiful weekend. Enjoy the weather while it last as we all know in the Northeast, Winter is looming around the corner. Here are a few updates for this past week and looking forward next week:

Genet Journal:

Please click here to download a pdf copy of this week’s Genet Journal: Genet Journal for Friday, November 6, 2020.

Friendly Reminder:  Please wash your child’s cloth mask over the weekend for next week. Thank you for your help with this!

Report Card Update:

Recently, you should have received an e-mail to all families regarding report cards and how the process will work this term. Today, was the final day for Term 1 for our students in Grades Kindergarten-5th. The information in the email from the district is outlined below for reference:

“Dear Parents/Guardians, Today marks the last day of the first marking period. Report cards will be sent home to elementary school families later this month. Please see below for details.

Grades Kindergarten, 1, 4 and 5: 

  • Report cards will be emailed to all parents on Monday, November 16.

Grades 2 and 3: 

  • Hybrid Students:

    • Group “A”: Sent home (hard copy in backpacks) on Monday, November 16

    • Group “B”: Sent home (hard copy in backpacks) on Tuesday, November 17

  • Full Remote (Grades 2 & 3 only) – Mailed home by USPS on Monday, November 16

If you have any questions regarding this or do not receive your child’s report card as outlined above, please reach out to the Genet Main Office.

Genet Special Schedule:

Please click here for next week’s rotation for our specials. We will run Week 4 of our five-week rotation. It will also be an “A” week for students. Please click here to download our specials schedule: Genet Specials Schedule – Week 4.

Do not forget that Monday and Tuesday are our Emergency Go Home Early Drill days for students. This is outlined in the Genet Journal above.

I wish you all the best this weekend and look forward to the week ahead! Thank you for your continued support of Genet!


Wayne Grignon

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