Dear Genet Families!

Love was in the air this week at Genet! All the excitement about celebrating Valentine’s Day brought a renewed excitement to the school. I hope you and your child(ren) had an enjoyable week with us at Genet whether it be remotely or in person. As a reminder to families, there is no school February 15th through February 19th. The weather forecast for our Winter Break looks like it will hold a snow storm for us. More snow for fun outdoor activities! While over Winter Break, your child(ren) is/are playing outside building snow forts or snowmen, feel free to take a picture and share it with me. I would love to include them into the Genet Yearbook! You can e-mail me the photo at

Here are a few updates for everyone looking forward:

The week of February 22, 2021 will be a B Week and the 2nd Week in our Specials Rotations for Genet.

This week the East Greenbush Board of Education supported a proposal that will allow for our Kindergarten students to return to Genet five days a week starting March 1, 2021. The Kindergarten and Maintenance teams have been meeting with me to ensure a smooth transition to this model for our students. All space changes will be made over the Winter Break which will allow for our Kindergartens to have a week to adjust before reporting weekly. I will be sending a separate communication to our Kindergarten Parents who are currently in the hybrid model, outlining more information in the coming week. If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Genet has officially closed out our read-a-thon month in support of the Albany Ronald McDonald House. If your child(ren) has/have participated, please turn in any reading materials or collections to their classroom teacher so it may be counted and turned over to Mrs. Davis and Genet Student Council. We will make an announcement of our totals once everything has been collected!

Reminders: One of the most important factors in determining student success is a student’s attendance at school. When students are frequently absent, they miss out on important activities, learning opportunities and student-teacher interactions that take place in the classroom. This can also have an impact on student learning when students are habitually tardy (coming in late or leaving early) to school. Please also remember to send your child(ren) in with a note upon their return to Genet. We look forward to a continued year of success working together and watching your child(ren) grow!

“Soup”-er Bowl Can Drive
A big Genet “THANK YOU” to all of our students and their families for supporting our “Soup”-er Bowl Can Drive. It was a tremendous success and our student council is busily counting cans and additional non-perishable foods that were donated. I heard a few of our students saying the count was nearing 500 cans! All food donations will be delivered to CoNSERNS-U. I will share out a total with families once the counting has finalized.

Winter Recess
Monday, February 15 – Friday, February 19 is Winter Recess for all students and staff. School will resume on Monday, February 22.

I sincerely hope you all had a great start to the new month. Thank you for your continued support of Genet. I look forward to the week we return with our students.

Wayne Grignon