Dear Bell Top Families,

I am looking forward to the return of students to Bell Top on Thursday, September 9th. The school day is from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  The health and safety of children and staff is of the utmost importance and was the driving force of the decisions that were made to this year’s school opening plan. This school year all students K-5 are returning full time, in-person. All classrooms will have students placed a minimum of 3 feet apart. As you read on, I briefly explain the various processes at Bell Top. The teachers will be focusing their efforts on teaching students the procedures over the next few weeks.

Your patience with our new protocols is extremely appreciated.

Please visit our district website at for more information regarding this year’s Opening Plan.  If you have any questions, please call the school at 518-207-2600.

Mask Breaks / Lunch / Recess

Your child will be required to wear a facial covering to school. Part of this procedure will include three 10-minute mask breaks each day. Classroom teachers will determine when the students get their breaks.

When your child is eating lunch, they will be sitting at a single desk, socially distanced and facing forward. They will be allowed to remove their mask while eating or drinking.

During outdoor recess all students are allowed to remove their masks. Students will have lunch recess and occasional classroom recess time. When a class is outside, they will be encouraged to find their own space to play, limiting cohort mixing as much as possible.

Arrival Procedures

All Bell Top students will have their temperature checked upon arrival. Four entrances will be utilized. As buses arrive we will begin student temperature checks before entering the building. Teachers will direct children to specific entry doors based on their grade level. 

Thermometers have a short lag time in-between temp checks and they do not touch the student’s forehead. If a child has a reading of 100 degrees F or higher, we will ask them to step aside while remaining socially distanced. We will retake their temperature after a few minutes. If the child has a second reading that indicates they are above 100 degrees, they will be brought to an isolation room. This room is located right next to the nurse’s office. Our school nurse will then further examine the student. 

Parents that are dropping off children at school will need to enter the lower level parking lot and follow the line of traffic around the loop. A staff member will be there to assist your child out of the car and direct them to the building where their temperature will be taken. You may then exit the parking lot. Parents may drop students off anytime between 8:45 – 9:00 a.m. Once the bell rings at 9:00 parents must park and escort their child to the front entrance.

Dismissal Procedures

Student pick-up by parents will begin at 3:20 p.m. Please park in the lower lot and walk up to the front, main entrance. Check in at the front vestibule and your child will be released to you. Buses will be loaded as they arrive and students will be dismissed from their classrooms over the PA system. Three announcements will be made throughout the building before the buses will be released.

I hope you enjoy the rest of summer!


Martin Mahar

September Important Dates

  • 9/9 – First day of school
  • 9/15 – BOE meeting 7:00 p.m. @ CHS & virtual – live stream
  • 9/16 – No School
  • 9/17 – PTO – Ice Cream Social (6:00 p.m.)
  • 9/22 – Open House (K-2) 6:30 p.m.
  • 9/23 – Student picture day
  • 9/24 – Rain date – Student picture day
  • 9/28 – Picture make-up day
  • 9/28 – Open House (3-5) 6:30 p.m.
  • 9/29 – BOE meeting 7:00 p.m. @ CHS & virtual – live stream

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