Edmonia Lewis

Portrait of Edmonia Lewis, who East Greenbush Town Historian Bobbie Reno researched and made the subject of a book.

Green Meadow Elementary School hosted East Greenbush Town Historian Bobbie Reno as a guest speaker to discuss with 5th graders just what a historian does. Ms. Reno discussed her research on Edmonia Lewis, an African American sculptor who was born in Renssealer County in 1844. Ms. Reno’s research helped contribute to Ms. Lewis being featured on a U.S. Postal Service stamp this coming February.

Ms. Reno also donated a book she wrote about Edmonia Lewis to the Green Meadow library.

“The students loved getting to see sculptures of beautiful artwork Edmonia Lewis crafted and ask Ms. Reno questions about her job as a historian,” said 5th Grade Teacher Carina Mahar. “Ms. Reno’s insights on explaining how a historian has the fascinating job of studying and interpreting the past will be helpful once the students start inquiry units in Social Studies where they will analyze primary sources to learn Social Studies content in depth.”