Mr. Hurd works with students on their whistle designs

Goff Technology teacher Dan Hurd works with students who are designing whistles as part of the Manufacturing unit.

Goff Middle School technology students are giving new meaning to the phrase “Whistle While You Work” as they begin their Manufacturing unit. Sitting at large tables in the Technology suite, 7th grade students sketch drawings and then use chromebooks and 3D printers to design and manufacture different types of whistles.

Each student is creating their own design and then will pitch it to their group. The group will then choose one design to manufacture.

Along the way, students will learn about hands-on and automated manufacturing.

Technology teachers John Cirincione and Dan Hurd said students also develop problem solving skills and communication skills as they work together in teams.

“We use modern technology to learn, create and collaborate just as companies and corporations do today,” said Mr. Cirincione. “With the 3D makerbot printers, students create a product, communicate and collaborate within their ‘company’ that they work for while using critical thinking, design thinking and problem solving.”