Genet 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony in the school auditorium

Principal Wayne Grignon addresses students and families at Genet Elementary School’s 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony.

Fifth graders at Citizen Edmond Genet Elementary School received their graduation certificates at their Moving Up Ceremony on Thursday morning, completing their elementary school careers. The students will attend Howard L. Goff Middle School in September.

Students were recognized with awards for educational excellence, educational achievement, citizenship and art.

Superintendent Jeff Simons, Genet Principal Wayne Grignon and the 5th grade teachers congratulated students for their hard work and their parents for their support over the years.

“I am so proud of our 5th Graders and excited that we were able to hold an in-person graduation to celebrate their accomplishments and everything they had overcome as third graders in March of 2020,” said Principal Grignon. “If there was something that I hope our graduating 5th graders can take with them it would be to remember to always work hard, be kind, smile and always have fun. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Take that leap and explore everything the middle school has to offer. Make this next journey your own!”

Congratulations to the graduates!

Genet students entering their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Genet students at their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Genet students at their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Genet students at their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Genet students at their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Genet students at their 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony