Hello Genet Families!

We had another tremendous week together at Genet!  The cool weather is here so please make sure to send your child(ren) with appropriate outdoor attire.

From all of us at the K-2 level, we thank our parents of students in those grades for attending our Open House this week. It was nice to welcome both our new families and returning families back into the building after the past two years. We hope that you found the evening informative. The K-2 teams did an outstanding job and I would like to thank them for their hard work and time. Next week on Thursday, September 29th, we welcome our parents in Grades 3-5 to Genet for their Open House!

As a reminder to our families, this month’s Character Trait is Integrity. We look forward to celebrating students who have exhibited and modeled this trait at next week’s Character Education Assembly on September 30th.

Genet Goes Gold – September 28th:

On Wednesday, September 28th, Genet will be “Going Gold” in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and in memory of Sean Jucha. I kindly ask that students dress in yellow or gold that day to show solidarity. Students can be creative in their approach! We hope you will join the Genet Team on September 28th!

Renaissance Assessments:

Last week we finalized our diagnostic assessments for all students in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students may have talked about the Renaissance Reading or Math assessments that they took in class with the support of our Reading/Math teachers. The Renaissance assessments (Early Literacy for Grades K-2, Star Reading for Grades 3-5 and Star Math for Grades 1-5) is one tool that we use to assist us in better serving our students in those content areas. It is a computerized assessment that is given on a Chromebook/Chrome tablet.

As part of our Renaissance assessments, we use this data to assist in making the determination if your child qualifies for Academic Intervention Services (AIS). If your child qualifies, you will receive information regarding which service (ELA or Math) from the AIS teacher. Letters will be going out by the end of the month/start of October as soon as all assessments have been reviewed.

Safety Drills:

Students had their first fire drill this past week and they did a wonderful job. The older students should be applauded for setting the example for the younger students. We will continue with our safety drills over the next few weeks including a lockdown drill with the support of local law enforcement.

Thank you for your support of Genet Elementary School! I wish you all the best this coming week! Please continue to read below for additional Genet Updates! Lastly, to all our Buffalo Bills fans out there – Let’s Go Buffalo against the Dolphins this weekend 🙂


Wayne Grignon

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