Hello Genet Families!

Another week in the books! October is officially here and already leaves have begun to change. Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Next week you will receive information regarding our Halloween Parade. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for good weather!

Later this month, we are looking forward to partnering with the East Greenbush Police Department who will be at Genet on October 26th providing a Halloween Safety demonstration/presentation to our students.

As the weather begins to shift to cooler temperatures, a friendly reminder to send in your child(ren) with appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. We will go out as long as we can, so appropriate footwear is also important.

This coming week will be a “B” Week for Specials for students.

Today, our 4th Graders kicked off our October Character trait of Courage and also put on a presentation regarding Anti-Bullying Month. I applaud our 4th Grade Team for a wonderful presentation and look forward to reporting back out to families at the end of the month our classrooms and Pride Paw honorees!

Friendly reminder that there is no school on Monday, October 10th.

The PTO is looking for help in keeping our Trunk or Treat event a safe, orderly and fun event for our families. We are in need of volunteers to help with different stations and help run activities for students. Please consider helping Genet keep this event a fun night for all to remember! If you can offer some of your time (1 Hour Shifts) you will receive a free trunk or treat entry for your own child(ren) upon arrival! Here is the link to sign-up: Trunk or Treat Volunteer Sign-Up.

Thank you for your continued support of Genet! Have a wonderful weekend!


Wayne Grignon