2024 Genet STEM Fair
Genet Elementary School hosted its annual STEM Fair on March 7 in the school gymnasium, featuring 43 projects on fascinating topics such as crystals, DNA, hydroelectricity and water filtration.

More than 60 students from kindergarten through 5th grade participated in the event where they explained their research and findings to teachers, staff and families.

Genet teachers Joan Davis and Michelle Martino organized the event.

“The STEM Fair is a chance for students to unleash their imagination and ingenuity through projects that not only push the boundaries of scientific understanding but also demonstrate the practical applications of STEM concepts in our everyday lives,” said Mrs. Davis. “From DNA testing to the sugar content in certain foods, these projects embodied the spirit of curiosity and innovation, inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and inventors.”

Special thanks to Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Martino, Jessica Sweeney for taking photos, and the custodians for their assistance in setup and breakdown!