No School - Monday, October 14

There is no school in the East Greenbush CSD on Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day). District offices will be closed.

Columbia High School celebrated its March Students of the Month last week. Each student winner was nominated by a teacher or staff member for various categories such as Academics, Citizenship and Most Improved. Congratulations!

Amber Smith - March 2024 SOM
Amber Smith (Grade 9)

Nominated by: D. Morgan, A. Cirincione & A. Williams for Academics & Citizenship

“Amber is a student who cares deeply about her success and puts in the effort to do well academically. She is an exemplary member of the school community. She is the first to offer assistance to anyone in her classes. She is active in extracurricular activities including Drama Club and Devils for Inclusion. She is excited to be a part of Unified Basketball. She wants to work with people with disabilities when she gets older and has requested that her schedule next year include a lunch period that will allow her to work with our Life Skills classes. She is a genuinely caring and giving individual who deserves to be recognized as Student of the Month.”

Adam Burek - March 2024 SOM
Adam Burek (Grade 9)

Nominated by: M. White for Citizenship

“Adam is a leader in English class. He is always on time and is always prepared. However, my favorite thing that Adam does is every single day at the end of class. Adam thanks Ms. Domalewicz and myself for teaching him that day. Just that small act of kindness/respect goes a long way.”

Cole Posniewski - March 2024 SOM
Cole Posniewski (Grade 10)

Nominated by: G. Schulz for Academics

“Cole has a 98% average for the year so far! Cole is also a diligent student and I can always count on him to participate in class.”

Joe Wan - March 2024 SOM
Joe Wan (Grade 10)

Nominated by: J. Volz for Most Improved

“Joe has really improved overall for the second quarter. He is more attentive in class and is participating more. He is handing in his homework and passing tests. Joe also passed the midterm which was a very challenging test.”

Mitch Mendez - March 2024 SOM
Mitch Mendez (Grade 11)

Nominated by: L. Johnas for Most Improved

“Mitch has made significant improvements over the past year. They have been very positive in the classroom. They have shared many strategies they have learned, and use them to make their day productive. Mitch has made improvements in their academic classes. They have ventured out to independently take elective classes in art, and seem to really enjoy that independence. Mitch has taken an interest in helping others within the classroom setting. Mitch is kind and supportive to everyone this year. Keep up the great work!

Lena Bromberg - March 2024 SOM
Lena Bromberg (Grade 11)

Nominated by: V. Gordon for Academics

“Lena is an amazing art student who always works very hard in Advanced Studio Art class. She is currently rocking a 98% final average which is hard to do. She always has a great attitude, is willing to try new things and does great work on all of her projects.”

Caleb Welcome - March 2024 SOM
Caleb Welcome (Grade 12)

Nominated by: F. Rudofsky for Academics

“In my section of Senior Seminar, Caleb had the highest average for the 3rd quarter. He works diligently and takes constructive criticisms very well.”

Ryan Harris - March 2024 SOM
Ryan Harris (Grade 12)

Nominated by: F. Rudofsky for Academics

“Ryan has a 97 average in Mythology!”