Social Media Guidelines

We encourage members of our community to share thoughts and opinions on the East Greenbush Central School District social media accounts. Our goal is to provide a platform for our school community to learn from and interact with our school district. However, we expect that this will be done in a respectful manner.

Please note that all comments are at the discretion of the page administrators. Please be certain that your comments are appropriate for an educational environment and for fans of all ages. The page administrator reserves the right to remove comments, not to limit criticism, but to protect the privacy and rights of staff and students.

The East Greenbush Central School District does not agree with or endorse every comment that individuals post on our pages. A comment will be deleted if it contains:

  • Hate speech
  • Profanity, obscenity or vulgarity
  • Defamation to a person or people
  • Name calling and/or personal attacks
  • Spam comments
  • Other comments that the social media administrators deem inappropriate

Repeated violations of the East Greenbush CSD social media guidelines may cause the user to be blocked from our accounts.

Please contact if you have any questions.