Martin Mahar was appointed the new principal of Bell Top Elementary School by the Board of Education at last week’s meeting following an internal search for candidates. Mr. Mahar has served as interim principal since last July, filling in for Jim McHugh.

“I had a wonderful time at Bell Top this year and I am so happy to be returning next year as Bell Top principal,” Mr. Mahar said. “I have many exciting initiatives I want to explore and I’m looking forward to building new relationships with the Bell Top School community.”

The permanent building principal position became open when Mr. McHugh accepted the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction job at Central Administration last month.

“The appointment of Marty Mahar, to serve as the next Bell Top Principal will ensure that the school continues to provide excellence in education to students and their families,” Superintendent Jeff Simons said.

Mr. Mahar, who was inducted into Columbia’s Alumni Hall of Fame this spring, has worked in East Greenbush Central School District since 1992. He spent 14 years as a teacher at Genet and 10 years as an assistant principal at Columbia.

Mr. Mahar officially becomes principal on July 1.