Dr. James Desemone speaks with Columbia students

Dr. James Desemone speaks with students in Columbia’s Serious About Science club.

Columbia High School’s Serious About Science club hosted a local doctor as part of its Dinner with a Scientist series last week. Dr. James Desemone of Albany Medical Center spoke to 40 students, as well as a few parents, about various medical fields and how students can plan to enter them.

Dr. Desemone detailed the tracks into fields of medicine such as endocrinology, neurosurgeon and physician assistants. Students were able to ask questions about research, medical residency, the prospect of family while becoming a doctor and more.

“It was great to have the ear of a doctor and hear the perspective of what it’s like to be in the trenches of the various medical fields,” said Emma Rainville, a Columbia science research student who had Dr. Desemone as a mentor.

Dr. Desemone is also on the panel that interviews prospective Albany Med students for admittance into medical school. With this background, he was able to give Columbia students real insight into the application process and the qualities and traits students should have.