Dear Parents and Guardians,

Recently we have been seeing a few incidents of students using personal electronic devices during the school day to communicate with other students, or people outside of school, including parents.

The District’s Policies on elementary students’ use of electronic devices during the school day have not changed.  As explained in our District Code of Conduct, pg. 13-14, the use of personal electronic devices during the school day is a Level II Infraction which may result in an in-school suspension and/or removal of other privileges.

Below is the current language in our Code of Conduct explaining the violations concerning electronics and the range of consequences which may result.

Excerpt from Code of Conduct

Excerpt from Code of Conduct

Personal Electronic devices include phones, Apple Watches, tablets and any other device which may be used to send/receive messages, take pictures, record conversation, or access the internet.  If your child has an Apple Watch it may not be used during school hours for any purpose other than to tell time.

Please review these guidelines with your child.  We will also be reminding them here at school.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Ana Yeomans

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