The following information was emailed to parents of Columbia High School students on February 26.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The EGCSD has launched an attendance initiative called Attendance Matters for the 2019-2020 school year in order to heighten awareness of the importance of attending school each day and to improve school attendance in all of our schools.

At Columbia, there is also a need to address on-time attendance rates. The expectation is that students be in their Guide Room by 7:10 AM. Teachers take attendance at 7:15.

If your child goes to Guide Room after attendance is taken, or more commonly, does not attend Guide Room at all, a ‘UT’ code (Unexcused Tardy) will appear in PowerSchool.

To alert parents, a daily email notification will be sent to you from the attendance secretary. Our goal is to alert you to the unexcused tardy and with your support, work to remedy the situation. Having a UT once in isolation is understandable, but a pattern of UTs is not.

The Administrative Team will enforce the Code of Conduct should your child develop a pattern of unexcused tardies.

We realize that there are a number of excused reasons why your child may be late to school. Please send a note with him or her to document these occurrences.

Being in Guide Room and arriving on time are important steps to start the day off correctly. Accountability and punctuality are qualities we strive to develop within our students here at Columbia.

Thank you for support.


Michael Harkin
CHS Principal

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