Jeffrey Simons speaking from podium

Superintendent Jeff Simons

Given the extension of the school closing to the end of the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the level of uncertainty that exists within our education community, the East Greenbush Central School District will host a virtual community forum on Thursday, May 14 from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Superintendent Jeff Simons will give a brief presentation and then a panel of district representatives will listen to concerns and respond to questions during the live streamed event.

Mr. Simons will be joined by a panel of district representatives including:

  • Michael Buono, Board of Education President
  • James McHugh, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Michael Harkin, Columbia High School Principal
  • Jill Barker, Goff Middle School Principal
  • Jack Alvey, Donald P. Sutherland Elementary School Principal
  • Daniel Garab, Green Meadow Elementary School Principal
  • Molly McGrath, Director of Pupil Personnel Services

A link to the live video will be posted on and the district facebook page ahead of the event. If you would like to ask a question during the forum, you will be able to do so through ThoughtExchange, a tool which will be provided to participants during the forum.

“Given Governor Cuomo’s recent announcement that schools are closed for the remainder of the year as we continue remote learning and other services to the community, there is a need to check in with the families of our students,” Mr. Simons said. 

“We want to better understand the experiences of our families and their key concerns,” he continued. “Through this forum we hope to continue to be responsive to our students and families, hear their suggestions, offer assurances where we can and provide available information during this very uncertain and challenging time.”