Dear Genet Families!

We have had another tremendous week at Genet! The third full week of school is officially in the books! There was a lot of wonderful learning taking place from our Character Education Assembly (this month Integrity), which was digital, and we celebrated our amazing custodial staff today on National Custodian’s Day!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our families for all of your support regarding the filling out of the COVID-19 screening each morning. It is extremely helpful and important to the start of our school day to know that the screening process has been done at home and then entered into the screening form. We all have busy mornings, and the office staff and I will continue to make calls to families when a child does not have one completed. For your information, I run a report each morning at 8:20 prior to the students entering Genet, and then again at 9:30. Please complete your screening form for your child(ren) prior to 8:20 AM, that would be helpful.

Important Dates to Mark Your Calendars:

On Monday, October 5th, we will be having our monthly PTO meeting for Genet. This year our meetings will all be virtual. The PTO board and I will be sending out a Google Live Stream link prior to the meeting for families to log in and learn about the PTO and any additional information regarding the school. Our meetings start at 6:30 PM and usually run for an hour in duration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our PTO at

On October 15, 2020, as a friendly reminder, we will be holding our Open House. This will be all virtual. Be on the lookout for a formal letter to your emails with all the information, times and links in the coming week!

School Pictures! Our school picture dates will be the following:

  • October 23rd for B Cohort Students
  • October 26th for A Cohort Students

For our students on full remote, we still want to have your pictures taken for the Genet yearbook! I will be speaking to the picture company and our PTO about options for our remote students to have their photos taken this school year.

November 9th and 10th, 2020 – Emergency Go Home Drill – There will be a letter coming home with students regarding this drill in the middle of October. On this day we will be dismissing 15 minutes earlier and students are expected to go to the emergency location on their verification form. If you are unsure what your emergency location is, please call Mrs. Giordano (518-207-2681) in the Main Office.

A quick note from the Genet PTO:
Good Morning Genet Families! Our school’s online Fall Fundraisers are now live. Just like everything else, they look a bit different this year. But one thing that is still the same, we’re raising money to support our students and entire Genet community. We will be limited on fundraisers this year, so we encourage everyone to check it out and spread the word to family and friends. Click here to get started:

Thank you for your support!
Genet PTO

That concludes this week’s Genet Journal! I wish you all the best this weekend and next week. Thank you for your continued support of Genet Elementary School!


Wayne Grignon

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