Dear Genet Families!

I hope you and your family are doing well and healthy. This week brought with it some unexpected weather that unfortunately impacted our delivery model for our A cohorts. In a notification from our Superintendent, next Wednesday, October 14th will be an in-person day for our A cohort of students. Our B students will have a remote day.

While I realize that our school’s pickup plan for materials for our A day students was short notice, I appreciate everyone’s flexibility as we strived to turn something unfortunate into something positive/productive for our students.

As a reminder to our families, there is no school on Monday, October 12 for observance of Columbus Day.

Genet Virtual Open House
On the evening of October 15th we will be hosting a virtual Open House. Parents will have the opportunity to hear presentations from their child’s teacher concerning programs, classroom routines, curriculum, and “virtually” visit classrooms. Please keep in mind that this is not a time for individual conferences. If you have concerns or other information you would like to share with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment to meet at a later date.

Genet Open House
Class/Grade Level Time
Message from the Principal 5:50-6:00 p.m.
Grades K-2 6:00-6:45 p.m.
Special Areas, ENL, AIS 6:45-7:15 p.m.
Grades 3-5 7:15-8:00 p.m.

Support Staff and service providers will be available as well. Due to privacy concerns, please make an appointment if you would like to meet. Additional communication and links for the Open House night will be shared as on Wednesday, October 14th.

While restrictions keep us from dressing up and holding our annual Halloween Costume Parade this year, we will still show our Halloween spirit by wearing orange and black at school on Thursday, 10/29 (A day students) and Friday, 10/30 (B day students).

This week our students in grades K-1 were given new Google Chromebook Tablets by our district. Our 2nd grade students have received their devices and had them for a week. All devices will be kept at school to ensure that students have had an opportunity to practice using the device with their teachers. Our remote students have or will have a scheduled pickup day for their devices. All devices can be logged in with either your child’s district given username and password or by their Clever badge IDs (provided by the schools – essentially a QR Code that is recognized by the device’s camera). This will make logging in for students easier. Once students are familiar with their device, students will be asked to bring them back and forth to school from home in their bookbags. Please make sure they are charged nightly! 🙂

Please continue to fill out the daily COVID Screening Form. This must be completed everyday, for each student. Our office staff will contact parents if the screening form has not been completed. We ask that you make an effort to complete this form prior to 8:30 a.m. The form can be at: https://entrv.neric,org/eacsd.

There have been many questions regarding what to do if your child is sick. As always, we ask that you call our main office to let us know your child will be absent and why. Additionally, New York State has issued updated guidance for students returning to school after illness. This information can be found on our website at: https://eccsd.orq/2020/1 0/02/ new-vork-state-UDdates-return-to-school-reauirements. If you have any questions regarding student illness or return to school procedures, you may contact our school nurse, Margaret Condo, R.N., at (518) 207-2684.

Emergency Go Home Drill
The annual Emergency Go Home Drill will take place on 11/9 and 11/10 this year. There will be a letter forthcoming with details regarding this drill. All students will be dismissed 15 minutes early on these days and are expected to go to the emergency location listed on the verification form, so please plan accordingly. If you are unsure what location you have listed on your child’s form, please contact Mrs. Giordano in our main office at (518) 207-2681 or by email at

School Pictures
Adirondack School Pictures will be taken on Friday, October 23 (B Day Students) and Monday, October 26 (A Day Students). For our students on full remote, we are working with Adirondack to develop alternative school picture taking options to ensure our remote students will be included in the yearbook.

That concludes this week’s Genet Journal! I wish you all the best this weekend and next week. Thank you for your continued support of Genet Elementary School!


Wayne Grignon