Columbia High School is celebrating the Class of 2021 with a Senior Spotlight. Each week, a different high school senior will be featured on the school website and social media as a way of recognizing our students. Congratulations, to Dan Kuehn, today’s Senior Spotlight!

Dan Kuehn senior spotlight

Senior Spotlight – Dan Kuehn ’21

Post Grad Plans
Become a Guitar Virtuoso

Karaoke Song
Probably something by a death metal band to confuse people.

Favorite School Lunch
French Bread Pizza

Favorite High School Memory
When I graduate.

Advice for Future Seniors
Don’t let anybody talk you out of what you truly feel is right. Accomplish what you truly want to accomplish. Set goals. Have dreams to help you through the harsh parts of reality. Never feel entitled. Work hard. Practice your skills often. Don’t sweat the stupid little things. Enjoy life. Always ask questions. Never stop learning. Treat others with respect always.