Good Afternoon Genet Families!

I hope this email finds you all well and enjoying the fantastic weather! I am writing to share a few updates and the Genet Journal for this week. Please see below:

Genet Journal:

Please click here to download this week’s Genet Journal.

Genet Specials:

Next week (May 17th – May 21st) will be an A Week and will be the third week in our specials rotation. Please click here to download a copy of next week’s specials rotation in .pdf format: Genet Specials Schedule – Week 3.

ABC Countdown Summer at Genet:

To celebrate the countdown to summer at Genet, the Genet Character Ed team has created the school-wide ABC Countdown to Summer! Starting May 18th, each day will have a special theme or activity that students can participate in (ex. dressing up or creating arts and crafts in school). Here is a copy of the flyer for your information: Genet’s ABC Countdown to Summer! We hope you will join us in counting down the final days together at Genet!

Spring/Summer Sports Opportunity:

This week we sent home a Blue Devils Soccer Camp flyer with students. Here is a copy of that flyer in .pdf format for you to download: Blue Devils Soccer Campy 2021.

Summer Reading Program sponsored by Senator Jordan and the NYS Senate:

As we know, reading unlocks so many doors and opportunities for students to use their imagination and become part of a book or novel they are reading. To encourage students to read over the summer, and lessen the potential of summer regression, the NYS Senate has sponsored a summer reading program for students. Please click here to download the flyer for your review: Summer Reading Program 2021.

As always, thank you for your continued support of our great school!  Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week!


Wayne Grignon