Students walking across the stage at the Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony on June 25, 2021.

Students receiving their high school diplomas at the Columbia Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony on June 25, 2021.

Columbia High School’s four-year graduation rate improved to an impressive 98% for the Class of 2021 (students who entered high school in 2017), according to NYS Education Department data released last week, which ranks 2nd in the Capital Region.

Columbia continues to outperform the rest of the state by a large margin, which had an 86% graduation rate.

Table of graduation rates by district for the Class of 2021 (courtesy Times Union)

A table shows the change in graduation rates for Capital Region high schools from 2019 to 2021. Only Voorheesville had a higher graduation rate than Columbia for the Class of 2021 (courtesy Times Union).

Other state data showed an improvement in Columbia graduation rates for students with disabilities (85% to 94%) and economically disadvantaged students (90% to 94%).

“Our graduation rate reflects excellence among our teachers throughout the district and a focus on continuous improvement at all levels,” said Superintendent Jeff Simons. “The vision of our Board of Education ensures that school leaders, teachers and support staff work as partners with students and families to do whatever it takes to get all kids across the graduation stage.”

“We focus on overall student performance but importantly on the scaffolds and supports we can build for individual students to make sure that those students who are struggling are identified and provided the instructional support they need to achieve success,” Mr. Simons continued. “Our numbers reflect a total community effort! I am very proud of everyone’s efforts.”

Year Columbia New York State
2020-21 98 86
2019-20 97 85
2018-19 97 83
2017-18 95 80
2016-17 97 80
2015-16 92 80
2014-15 94 78

Visit the NYS Education Department website to view this data.