Officer Ashley and Sgt. Tubbs from the East Greenbush Police Department lead a Halloween safety presentation at Genet Elementary School.

Officer Ashley and Sgt. Tubbs from the East Greenbush Police Department lead a Halloween safety presentation at Genet Elementary School on Monday, October 30.

Local police officers are sharing Trick or Treating safety tips ahead of Halloween. The goal is to keep children safe when they are out in neighborhoods on Tuesday evening.

Halloween Safety Tips


  • Wear light colored or reflective clothing
  • Carry glowsticks or flashlights to be more visible at night
  • Costumes should be loose fitting so warm clothing can be worn underneath, if needed
  • If wearing a mask, make sure you can see out of it. You can also rest it on top of your head or carry it while walking to houses and then put it on when you reach the front door.

Trick or Treating

  • Trick or Treat with a group that includes adults and stay in familiar areas
  • Eat something before going Trick or Treating
  • Only stop at houses that have their lights on
  • Walk on sidewalks, not in the street. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the street so you can see oncoming traffic.
  • Walk, do not run, from house to house
  • DO NOT enter homes or apartments unless you know the person and you are accompanied by your parent/guardian
  • Never enter a stranger’s home


  • Have your parent/guardian check your candy at home before eating any of it
  • Do not eat anything that is already opened or not packaged