Technology Committee Minutes – March 5, 2019

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Call to Order – 4:02 p.m.


  • Admin: Mr. Edson, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Kilmartin, Mr. Neumann
  • Committee: Ms. Banks, Ms. Bernard, Mr. Ecker, Mr. Jevons, Ms. Mahar, Ms. O’Connor, Ms. Omecinsky, Ms. O’Neil, Ms. Shepardson, Ms. Snyder, Mr. Morrow
  • Community: Mr. Sanderson

General Update

Mr. Goodwin said that regional technology directors are reviewing the impact of the proposed personally identifiable information regulations under Education Law 2-d.

Mr. Goodwin distributed reports of top education tools accessed by grade levels for a recent seven day period.

Mr. Goodwin distributed a booklet entitled “ISTE Standards For Students: A Practical Guide For Learning With Technology.”

Mr. Goodwin distributed a copy of the “Scope and Sequence EGCSD Library and Digital Skills” which is a curriculum map developed and included in our 2017-2021 Technology Plan.

Mr. Goodwin requested a rating on FlipGrid at the next scheduled meeting. He also requested consideration of a centralized process to evaluate extensions. Committee members suggested possible separation of extensions and files into those that are purely entertainment and those that could be classified as actual resources. Mr. Goodwin said that he has received some requests from students to unblock certain web sites and that the requests have been very complete and contain clear rationale.

Evaluation of Education Tools Using ISTE Standards

Mr. Goodwin requested the committee members to divide into three smaller groups by K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 and review a Google Form titled “ISTE Aligned Instructional Tools Survey.” The Form requested each individual to input their email address, rate his or her overall ability level with technology, identify an instructional tool to rate, and then check the appropriate student age level for the tool. Then, each individual was requested to rate the product for each ISTE Standard on a five-point scale from 1 (not aligned) to 5 (well aligned). If the Standard or a portion thereof was not applicable to the product, it was suggested the rater use a “3” rating in the middle of the scale. Mr. Goodwin received 32 responses on products from the committee using the Form.

Mr. Goodwin asked for feedback on the evaluation tool. The response was generally positive, although some felt the survey for each standard could possibly be done in a checklist manner, leaving out the sub-standard goals in favor of each main standard goal. It was also noted that for some products, if the product is well or not well aligned for a particular standard, that rating typically applies to all the sub-standards.

Communication Roundtable

Ms. O’Connor requested additional chromebooks and/or cart be available for use at DP Sutherland. She said there was a lot of sharing in second grade and in the library. Ms. O’Connor spoke about the library databases available in the District and the need to inform teachers about the availability and be used in Google Classroom.

Ms. Snyder requested a cart of Chromebooks be available for use in physical education. She said the Chromebooks would be used for gym notes, rules of the games, and homework. Mr. Goodwin offered an option for students to use their regular classroom Chromebooks for these activities.

Ms. Snyder requested Go Guardian access for teaching assistants. Mr. Goodwin asked that teaching assistants needing access to send him an email.  Some teaching assistants will need training.

Ms. Shepardson reported that Vision is not working in the computer lab despite efforts from technology staff to fix the issue. Mr. Goodwin suggested a technology work order be filed. Ms. Shepardson also reported that some students are not using their Chromebooks and bring them to classes uncharged. Mr. Goodwin said the Chromebooks should be viewed as a textbook, and students should have the responsibility to be prepared for class.

Ms. Banks requested two Chromebook charging stations be placed in the  library for student and teacher use. Conversation ensued that charging stations might be helpful in the back of classrooms. Mr. Goodwin said cost would need to be considered.

Ms. Banks said the librarians were reviewing how to promote use of the library databases, potentially at faculty meetings. She also thanked Mr. Jevons for being available each day in the library from 8:45 am to 10:00 am for computer repairs and consultation. Ms. Banks said it could possibly be a model for other buildings.

Ms. Omecinsky questioned why students cannot receive a copy a Google Form emailed to them.  Ms. Snyder suggested that the settings be changed to accept Forms.

Ms. Snyder suggested turnkey possibilities for staff professional development; she advised that there were many qualified internal staff that could provide assistance rather than attending training at outside organizations. Ms. Banks said the half-day professional development days are perfect for technology sessions. Mr. Goodwin said that some technology offerings are available, but that professional development offered must fit within the District approved plan and SED guidelines. He stated there was consideration of a model to provide a substitute for a teacher trainer so the teacher could assist other faculty during their planning periods.

Meeting Schedule for 2018-2019 Year, 2019-2020 Year

2018-2019: Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.: April 2 and June 4. Meetings will be held in the Citizen Genet conference room. The list of meetings can also be found on the TEG website.

2018-2010: Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.: May 7

2019-2020: Tentative dates are all Tuesdays: September 10, October 1, November 5, January 14, February 11, March 10, April 7, May 12, June 9 (Times to be announced)

Adjournment – 5:34 p.m.