Kindergarten students are receiving a hands-on lesson in school bus safety at all District schools this week. In Green Meadow’s parking lot Wednesday, small groups of students stepped off the school bus, walked 15 steps out away from the bus and then watched for the driver’s signal to cross. When they got the signal, they looked both ways and crossed the parking lot to a teacher.

Occasionally, the bus driver would put up her hand as a stop sign and beep the horn. The students stopped and returned to the teacher.

The exercise was part of the Transportation Department’s safety training for each school’s kindergarten students.

“It’s good practice for them,” said School Bus Driver Marie Noeth, who led the training. “It’s a review for the kids who ride the bus and it’s a new experience for those who don’t normally ride the bus.”

The training started with a presentation in school about bus safety, how to safely cross and what are the danger zones around the bus. After the presentation, students practiced getting on and off the bus, putting on their seat belt and crossing in front of the bus.

“The safety of the children is our primary goal,” said Transportation Supervisor MaryAnn Belmont, noting an estimated 50,000 motorists pass stopped school buses every day in New York. “In-school safety training ensures that the students are aware of the proper procedures which keep them safe right from the beginning of their school years.”