Mrs. Snyder assisting students

Goff Social Studies teacher Kelyn Snyder helps students conduct research about Colonial America on Chromebooks.

East Greenbush Central School District is developing an exciting new program that will put a Google Chromebook in the hands of every student in grades 3-12.

As soon as this spring, students will be able to use the computer tablets in school to enhance learning through technology integration. Having Chromebooks for each student, rather than the current sharing of Chromebook carts throughout the schools, will improve access to technology and allow them to:

  • perform research using the internet
  • use Google products such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, G-Mail and Drawing
  • use Google Classroom to share documents with teachers and classmates
  • follow teacher lessons as they are being taught in class
  • develop digital portfolios and 21st century skills
  • learn digital citizenship

Beginning in September 2018, students in grades 6-12 will be able to bring their Chromebooks home to complete homework and other school projects.

“These devices will be used to support both teaching and learning,” said Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction James McHugh. “This will allow educators the ability to infuse technology into their classrooms by enhancing learning experiences, expanding upon instructional resources and increasing student engagement and motivation. These devices lend themselves to new opportunities and increased productivity.”

The district will provide each student with a Chromebook through Smart School state funding that was recently approved by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). This marks the district’s third Smart School proposal to be approved by NYSED.

The district was allocated $2,312,974 in state funding after the Smart Schools Bond Act was approved in a state-wide election.

“Supporting instruction was at the heart of our plans to spend these funds,” said Director of Technology Peter Goodwin. “We used a laser-like focus to identify every achievable and innovative approach to develop sustainable outcomes and to create 21st century learning environments. Along the way, we have received input from students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators and community members.”

District administrators are developing a set of user guidelines, professional development training and a rollout process to ensure students and teachers can utilize the devices properly.

Schools will be hosting a series of Chromebook orientation and distribution events for students and parents this coming August.

“This is an exciting move forward for our schools,” said Superintendent Jeff Simons. “Our 1-to-1 Chromebook program directly supports the district’s new Technology Plan and improves student engagement both inside and outside the classroom.”

Students in grades K-2 will continue to have access to Chromebook carts in each elementary school.

Smart Schools Investment Plan Proposals

Proposal Amount Funding Status
Enhance district’s WiFi network $180,601.00 Approved Installation completed by March 2018
Purchase instructional technology devices such as interactive displays and Chromebooks, and to enhance the district’s network $369,317.00 Approved Installed in Summer 2018
Equip a 1-to-1 computer program for grades 3-12, using Google Chromebook computers $899,541.00 Approved Chromebooks ordered in January 2018. Used in school only for remainder of 2017-18. Launch full program in September 2018.