Molly DeMarco receives President's Volunteer Service Award

Molly DeMarco, joined by her parents, receives the President’s Volunteer Service Award.

Columbia High School senior Molly DeMarco received the President’s Volunteer Service Award on Thursday morning in recognition of her outstanding community service this school year.

Ms. DeMarco completed more than 100 hours of community service on various projects:

  • Painting three murals on walls in the school
  • Painting sets for the high school musical “Big Fish”
  • Teaching dance classes to pre-school children
  • Selling raffle tickets for the Columbia PTSO
  • Volunteering in the haunted hallway at Goff Middle School’s Halloween Happening

“It’s really cool. I didn’t expect it,” she said of receiving the award. “I thought that these (murals) really needed to be here. I also like doing Halloween Happening because I remember enjoying it when I went to middle school. And the dance class is super cute.”

After graduating in June, Ms. DeMarco plans to attend SUNY Oswego in the fall where she will major in both history and music.

“We’re very proud of her for thinking about and contributing to the community,” said Alex DeMarco, Molly’s father. “It’s important to not just get good grades but to be involved in school activities and have a purpose beyond oneself.”