Every 10 years, the Census records everyone living in the United States of America. The data, which is being collected now through a questionnaire that is mailed to every household, informs funding for services such as education, health care and emergency services. It also determines each state’s representation in Congress.

Counting everyone in the 2020 Census is not an easy task and children are frequently among the most undercounted population. Your responses to the 2020 Census determine how much of $675 billion in federal funds are allocated to our school districts and students for the next 10 years.

Support for public school services and programs is just one of many reasons why an accurate 2020 Census count is crucial to our school district and our region.

Respond to the Census

You can complete the Census questionnaire online, by mail or over the phone. It is safe and private. The questionnaire is short and only asks for basic information (e.g., age, sex, race, type of housing, etc.) for all people living in your household. It does not ask for sensitive information like social security numbers, immigration status or bank account information.

Visit 2020Census.gov to learn more.

2020 Census Confidentiality 

It is important to remember that 2020 Census responses are completely confidential, and your personal information cannot be used against you in any way. Your responses are entirely protected under federal law and used for statistical purposes only by the U.S. Census Bureau. No other government agency or court system can use or even access your census responses. There are no exceptions to this rule.

2020 Census Resources 

Look through the resources below for more about the 2020 Census, how it affects school districts and the confidentiality of your personal information.

Census 2020: Your Participation Matters