Thursday, March 30 – 10:51 a.m.

Green Meadow has shifted from lockdown to lockout following a sweep of the building conducted by law enforcement. At this time, all East Greenbush CSD schools are operating under a lockout. During a lockout, the school day resumes but all doors and windows remain secured and there is no activity outside school.

There is no need for parents to pick up their children from school, but if they feel the need to, please follow normal protocols by entering the school’s security vestibule and provide identification to sign out your child.

All after school activities are canceled today, including Goff Parent Conferences. Goff Parent Conferences will be rescheduled for a date in the future.

GCC will be operating in schools today.

Thursday, March 30 – 10:40 a.m.

DPS has shifted from lockdown to lockout following a sweep of the building conducted by law enforcement. During a lockout, the school day resumes but all doors and windows remain secured and there is no activity outside school.

Green Meadow remains in lockdown as a precaution.

Thursday, March 30 – 10:34 a.m.

Goff, Genet, Bell Top and Red Mill have shifted from lockdown to lockout following sweeps of those buildings conducted by law enforcement. During a lockout, the school day resumes but all doors and windows remain secured and there is no activity outside school.

DPS and Green Meadow remain in lockdown as a precaution.

Thursday, March 30 – 10:06 a.m.

Columbia High School has shifted from lockdown to lockout following a sweep of the building conducted by law enforcement. During a lockout, all doors and windows remain secured and there is no activity outside school. Columbia’s campus remains closed as no students or staff may go in or out of the building.

All other schools remain in lockdown as a precaution.

Law enforcement will continue to provide direction.

Thursday, March 30 – 9:45 a.m.

All schools remain in a lockdown as a precaution and we continue to be in contact with law enforcement. Superintendent Simons is providing updates periodically to our students and staff via the district-wide PA system. School campuses remain closed.

More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Thursday, March 30 – 9:15 a.m.

All East Greenbush CSD schools are currently in a lockdown as a precaution as advised by law enforcement. According to law enforcement, there have been threats made against multiple school districts in our area.

We have been in contact with law enforcement and they advised us to remain in a lockdown until further notice. Our school staff are ​following lockdown procedures. ​The ​presence of law enforcement is being increased at all of our schools as a precaution.

At this time, all school campuses are closed. Parents should not go to schools until further notice.

More info will be sent to you as it becomes available.

Learn more about the district’s Emergency Procedures.