Artwork on display at the 2023 Art Show at Columbia High School.

Artwork on display at the 2023 Art Show at Columbia High School.

Students from across the East Greenbush Central School District showed off their artistic skills at the 2023 Art Show on Thursday evening at Columbia High School. From drawings to photographs and paintings to pottery, the Columbia hallways, art rooms and cafeteria were lined with diverse and impressive works of art.

More than 2,000 people attended the event to look at and appreciate the artwork.

“For the past 32 years, I’ve been hoping to teach students to ‘Show the Love,'” said Columbia Art Teacher Patti LeRoy, who is retiring at the end of the school year. “It became evident they heard me when former students traveled from Florida, Boston, Oswego and Buffalo to see the 2023 Art Show, my final one, to give hugs, wish me well, and see the amazing artwork from our talented artists ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 12. It is said ‘To teach is to touch a life forever.’ I have been honored to have them touch my life as well.”

Special thanks to all of the district’s art teachers who organized the Art Show, and for bringing out such wonderful talent in our students!

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