Retiring staff members are recognized at a Board of Education meeting

Retiring staff members (L to R) Michele Bowman, Kathey Corvino, Carol Adams, Lea Rose, John Graham, Diane Cleveland and Carl Kalbfliesh with Superintendent Jeff Simons.

Twenty staff members who are retiring from the East Greenbush Central School District this year were recognized for their service at Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting in the Genet Elementary School auditorium.

The retirees represent all areas of the school district, from teachers to bus drivers, and typists to administrators.

“We are grateful to our retirees for their years of dedicated service to our students and community,” said Superintendent Jeff Simons. “We will miss them in our daily work but wish them well in their new endeavors.”

2017-18 Retirees

  • Carol Adams, Elementary Teacher, Bell Top
  • Charles Blanchard, Elementary Teacher, Red Mill
  • Susan Blander, Elementary Teacher, Genet
  • Mary Ellen Bolton, Library Media Specialist, Goff
  • Michele Bowman, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Professional Development
  • Mary Beth Boyle, Elementary Teacher, Genet
  • Diane Cleveland, Typist, Pupil Personnel Services
  • Katherine Corvino, Typist, DPS
  • Linda Downey, Bus Driver
  • Eva Farrell, Elementary Teacher, Genet
  • Michelle Faulkner, Bus Driver
  • John Graham, Social Studies Teacher, Columbia
  • Carl Kalbfliesh, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Goff/Green Meadow/Red Mill
  • Colleen Nolan, Teaching Assistant, Genet
  • Susan Powers, Special Education Teacher, Red Mill
  • Joseph Reehl, Mechanic, Transportation
  • Lea Rose, Health Teacher, Columbia
  • Pauline Rose, Bus Aide, Transportation
  • John Sawchuk, Principal, Columbia
  • Deborah Wager, Bus Driver