Garden in bus garage island at DPS

New garden in the DPS parking lot island.

While school is out and students are enjoying summer vacation, the East Greenbush maintenance, buildings and grounds, and technology staff are hard at work cleaning classrooms, making repairs and getting the buildings ready for the new school year.

Here’s a rundown of what’s been done already:

  • Classroom cleaning – Every classroom in each school is emptied out and cleaned
  • Re-install computers after room cleaning – All schools
  • Classroom painting – Various rooms and hallways in all schools
  • Clean and wax floors – All schools
  • Mount bulletin boards and dry erase boards – Green Meadow
  • Add new playground fill – All elementary schools
  • Reconfigure rooms to create three multipurpose classrooms – Bell Top
  • Replace exhaust fans on roof – Genet and Green Meadow
  • Replace domestic hot water heater – Columbia and Goff
  • Installation of new water fountains with bottle fillers – Goff
  • Gymnasium floor resurfacing – All schools
  • Repairs and re-striping of tennis courts – Columbia
  • Sweep and repair turf field – Columbia
  • Remove tower between soccer and lacrosse fields – Columbia
  • Repair gate near basketball courts – Red Mill
  • Mowing, weeding, planting, seeding and fertilizing – All schools
  • Replace grass with mulch in front island – DPS
  • Install new crusher walkway from rear steps to lower fields – DPS
  • Recycle electronics
  • Equipment maintenance

Thanks to our dedicated staff!

Exhaust fan on roof of Genet Elementary SchoolNew exhaust fan on the roof of Genet Elementary School

New hot water heater at GoffNew domestic hot water heater at Goff Middle School

Water fountain with bottle fillerNew water fountain with bottle filler at Goff Middle School

Bell Top conference spaceBell Top conference and multipurpose space

Landscaping at Central Administration Landscaping at all schools