The East Greenbush Central School District Board of Education adopted the proposed school budget for 2019-20 at Wednesday’s public meeting in the Citizen Genet Elementary School auditorium. It will be voted on by district residents on Tuesday, May 21.

The proposed budget, which has been updated since the New York State budget was approved this past weekend, totals $95,925,684, an increase of 1.76% from last year.

The proposed tax levy increase is 3.69%, which is below the New York State tax cap of 4.84% that applies to East Greenbush, requiring a simple majority to pass the budget.

The proposed budget maintains all current programs and includes funding for three additional elementary classroom teachers, a social worker at the elementary school level, a .5 Academic Intervention Services teacher at Citizen Genet and a .5 school safety supervisor at Columbia.

“The budget approved by the board provides funding to meet our community’s expectations for rigorous curricular programs,” said Superintendent Jeff Simons. “The budget also assures that our students will be able to continue to access the arts, music, athletics and clubs. Student enrollment has increased yet if the budget is approved we will preserve reasonable class size averages.”

“During the last few years, assuring that we meet our students’ needs has become challenging as the district has received minimal increases in school aid from New York State. I am pleased that through the support of our board and working with our administrative team and staff we were able to accomplish a budget that preserves programs for students and remains under the New York State tax cap.”

The proposed budget’s tax levy increase dropped from 8.95% in the preliminary budget to 3.69% due to increased Foundation Aid from the state, health insurance savings and refunds, and reduced debt service payments.

East Greenbush Central School District has averaged a 1.61% tax levy increase in the previous 10 years, which is the second lowest among Suburban Council school districts.

In addition to the school budget, voters will decide on the purchase of eight new school buses out of the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund and elect three Board of Education members to three-year terms.

As part of the district’s bus fleet management plan, it plans to trade-in eight older school buses and replace them with new buses that have better fuel efficiency, lower emissions, improved safety features and lower costs for maintenance and repairs. All of the buses would be purchased from the district’s Bus Purchase Reserve Fund with no impact to taxpayers. The district would be reimbursed for approximately 64.1% of the total school bus purchase.

The Bus Purchase Reserve Fund acts like a savings account, allowing the district to store money for the sole purpose of purchasing buses. It also helps the district avoid the costs that come with borrowing.

Residents can learn more about the proposed budget at one of the upcoming budget meetings or by attending the public hearing on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Goff Middle School cafeteria.

What’s On the Budget Vote and Board Election Ballot

  • Proposition 1: School Budget
  • Proposition 2: Authorize $702,780 from Bus Purchase Reserve Fund for eight buses
  • Election of three members to the Board of Education

Budget Vote and Board Election Resources

Polling Information
Polls will be open to eligible voters on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The school district is divided into election zones as follows:

1) Bell Top – Residents of the Town of North Greenbush
2) Goff – Residents of the Town of East Greenbush
3) Donald P. Sutherland – Residents of the Towns of Sand Lake or Chatham or Residents with a Nassau mailing address
4) Green Meadow – Residents of the Town of Schodack who do not have a Nassau mailing address

You may also use our Poll Place Finder or contact the Business Office at 518-207-2535 to find your polling place.