Mental Health Education

On July 1, 2018, New York became the first state in the United States to require all schools to incorporate mental health education into the curriculum. East Greenbush Central School District is meeting this new requirement with a student-centered approach.

  • Mental health topics are currently taught in high school and middle school health classes
  • District’s K-12 Health Education program is currently under review and changes are implemented as they are recommended
  • The district provided lesson plans for teaching mental health curriculum to each grade level K-12
  • A Rensselaer County Health Counselor works with students and staff at Columbia High School (M/W/F) and Goff Middle School (T/Th), in addition to the district counselors, social workers and psychologists
  • Mental health presentations and workshops will be offered to students, staff and parents this school year
  • District is working with local and state organizations such as Rensselaer County Mental Health Services, the Mental Health Association in New York State and the National Alliance on Mental Illness to address mental wellness in our schools
  • Professional development during 2018-19 school year will focus on mental health training, such as trauma-informed classrooms, improving relationships with students and practicing self-care to manage stress and prevent burnout
