Watch: Goff Elevation Celebration

Watch: Goff Elevation Celebration

The 8th Grade Elevation Celebration is scheduled for Friday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Columbia High School gymnasium. For those who cannot attend the event, a free live stream will be available on this page starting at 7:00 p.m.

Photos: Goff Field Day

Photos: Goff Field Day

Howard L. Goff Middle School hosted Field Day on Wednesday for students in grades 6-8. Students participated in a variety of sports, games and activities throughout the day including flag football, soccer, badminton, kickball, cornhole, kan jam, an obstacle course, tug-of-war, and carnival games.

Goff MAP 7 Students Visit Little Brook Farm

Goff MAP 7 Students Visit Little Brook Farm

Howard L. Goff Middle School students in the MAP 7 program had the unique opportunity to go on a field trip Tuesday to Little Brook Farm in Old Chatham, one of the oldest and largest rescue farms in the Northeast. Students learned about a working rescue farm and performed community service by grooming the horses, cleaning stalls and stacking hay.