Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Goff Middle School pickup/dropoff map

Arrival Procedures

The building will open at 7:40 a.m. (Please do not drop off your child before 7:30 a.m.)

There is only 1 entrance to the parking lot (see map). Buses, staff and students/parents/guardians will all be entering in the one entrance. The old “main entrance” in the center of the lot is now an EXIT ONLY.

Buses will enter into the “buses only” lane closest to the school and head to their designated drop-off areas.  

Staff will enter the lot and proceed to the parking areas. Please drive slow as many employees will be crossing the pick up lanes to enter school.

Students will be dropped-off at the curb on the other side of the island. We do not want anyone exiting a vehicle from the center lane or into traffic. We are anticipating a large number of drop-off’s, so please encourage your student(s) to be ready to exit your vehicle as soon as you come to a safe place to stop along the curb. People who are dropping may utilize the new center exit from the lot if the flow of traffic allows.

Please pull all the way down to the first open spot along the sidewalk so that we can keep traffic moving and allow our buses to enter the parking lot.

Drop-off can occur anywhere along the curb. Students of ALL grades MUST follow the sidewalk and cross at the main crosswalk in the center of the school then proceed to the main entrance.

Any parent/guardian that needs to come into the building between 7-8 a.m. must park in the main lot, there is NO curb parking between those hours.

Dismissal Procedures

Students are dismissed at 2:40 p.m.

The parent pick-up area is the same as the dropoff lanes – please lineup using two lanes. Anyone picking up must pull into one of the 2 lanes and wait for their student.  All students must use the walkway in the center of the school to cross between the buses and get to the island walkway. There will be no students allowed to go around the fence on the garden end or the cafeteria end.

Around 2:45 p.m. (or as soon as the buses are loaded), the exits will be blocked so that all buses can depart. This takes approximately 2 minutes. About 2 minutes later, normal pick-up traffic will resume.

We ask for patience the first week or two of school. Please be mindful of students crossing the pick-up lane to get to their rides which could be in the outside lane. It is our hope that during the 2 minutes when traffic is held for the buses to depart that the majority of students will find their way to their ride. Please do not park in the church lot or little league field then text your child to walk to where you are. Students are only allowed to walk if they are on the approved list (a note has been placed in their file) and all walkers will be held for dismissal until the buses depart.