Sneaker Recycling Fundraiser to Benefit Pop Warner Cheerleading

Sneaker Recycling Fundraiser to Benefit Pop Warner Cheerleading

East Greenbush Pop Warner Cheerleading is collecting old sneakers as a fundraiser to help pay for their travel to Nationals in Florida the first week of December. Each school in the East Greenbush CSD will have a drop box for unwanted sneakers. Please drop off or send in any old sneakers to your school and they will be included in the fundraiser. The fundraiser runs from November 16-30. ​

EGTA Leads Lawn Cleanup for Local Veterans

EGTA Leads Lawn Cleanup for Local Veterans

The East Greenbush Teachers Association teamed up with the Town of East Greenbush to organize teachers, Participation in Government students, FBLA students, the CHS volleyball team, town employees, local Cub Scout pack 2257 and local Girl Scouts to cleanup the lawns of 23 local veterans. In only two hours, more than 100 volunteers filled over 500 lawn bags.