General Parent Information

This page includes information to help parents and guardians with children in school. For specific questions please contact your child’s principal.

Asbestos Notification

Written notice must be annually provided to parents, teachers and employee organizations of the availability of asbestos management plans, and any current or planned asbestos inspections, response actions and post-response actions. More information.


Under New York State law, parents are responsible for their children’s regular attendance and punctuality at school. Legal reasons for absence include illness of a child, emergency illness in the family, death in the immediate family, inclement weather and religious. A written excuse stating the date and the reason for the absence should be signed by the parent/guardian. 2023-24 Attendance Policy.

Attendance Matters

Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning for the entire class. Because attendance is so important, and in response to increased accountability measures under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the East Greenbush Central School District has launched Attendance Matters to improve student attendance in all of its schools. Attendance Matters.

Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

School districts are committed to preventing and addressing any consequences of an inadvertent release of personal information about students, as well as teachers and administrators. Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

New York State requires schools to keep height and weight data and to calculate students’ Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a way of checking if students are under or overweight based on their height and weight. If the District is surveyed by the state, we will only share group data (such as, the number of third grade boys whose BMI is below the fifth percentile), not individual data. Parents/guardians may request to exclude their child’s data from group calculations by contacting their school nurse by January 2. Click here for Health Office contact information.

Census Information

A census is conducted each spring by the district to identify all school-age and preschool children living in the district. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact Pupil Personnel Service at (518) 207-2062.

Charge Policy and Prohibition Against Shaming

The Board of Education recognizes that on occasion, students may forget to bring meal money to school. To ensure that students do not go hungry, but also to promote responsible student behavior and minimize the fiscal burden to the district, the Board will allow students who may forget meal money to “charge” the cost of meals to be paid back at a later date subject to the terms established in District policy #8505.

Code of Conduct

Student behavior is critical to providing an environment conducive to learning each and every day. It contains information on the range of consequences that may be imposed if students misbehave. This information is reviewed with students each year during the opening weeks of school.

Complaints and Grievance Procedures

Generally, the proper channeling of complaints will be as follows:

  1. Teachers and staff members, then
  2. Principal, then
  3. Superintendent of Schools, and then
  4. Board of Education

Computer Network Agreement for Students

Computer/Internet access is available to students in the district. Our goal in providing computer access to our students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, communication, cooperation, and collaboration. User agreement form.

COVID-19 Updates

The East Greenbush Central School District continues to monitor the situation regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). District administrators are meeting regularly and are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York State Department of Health and the NYS Department of Education.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The East Greenbush Central School District is committed to providing all students an educational environment free of harassment and bullying.  For DASA information and resources click here.

District Map and Attendance Zones

East Greenbush Central School District has identified boundary lines for enrollment and transportation purposes. The district map shows the school district’s boundaries and each of the elementary school attendance zones. View Map and Attendance Zones by Street.

Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination (Title IX and Section 504)

The East Greenbush Central School District does not discriminate against any student, employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, religion, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or predisposing genetic characteristic. The Board of Education is committed to providing an educational and working environment that promotes respect, dignity, and equality and that is free from all forms of harassment and hazing. The district will promptly investigate all complaints of hazing and/or harassment, either formal or informal, verbal or written. Inquiries or complaints should be filed with the principal or Marissa Cannon,Title IX Officer, 29 Englewood Avenue, East Greenbush, NY, or by calling (518) 207-2526.

Every Student Succeeds Act

Pursuant to the Every Student Succeeds Act, which was approved by the U.S. Department of Education in January 2018, parents/guardians may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers including: whether state requirements and licensing criteria have been met for the grade level and subject area being taught; if the teacher is working under emergency or other provisional status for state qualifications and licensing criteria have been waived; and, the teacher’s college major and subsequent advanced degrees. Requests for this information may be directed to the Superintendent’s Office, East Greenbush Central School District, 29 Englewood Avenue, East Greenbush, NY 12061.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the East Greenbush School Central District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records.

Food Service

The district allows parents/guardians to pre-pay for breakfast and lunch using a secure online service called MySchoolBucks.

Free and Reduced Meals

Children from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible for free meals or reduced price meals. More information.


The district uses a student information system called PowerSchool to manage student records, grades, attendance, schedules, and many other pieces of student information. This system allows parents to view their child’s grades and attendance online.

Greenbush Child Caring

Greenbush Child Caring is an independent child care organization that offers before-school, after-school, half and full-day programs, and a summer day camp program to children in grades K-8 in the East Greenbush Central School District. The programs are located in the school cafeterias at Bell Top, DPS, Genet, Green Meadow and Red Mill. There is also an after-school program at Goff Middle School and the full-day program is held at Genet Elementary School. More information.

Health Cards

At the start of each school year a Student Health Card is sent home for parents/guardians to fill out and return to school. Students will not be able to take part in field trips and sports if these cards are not returned. The information on this card is kept on file in the school nurse’s office throughout the year. It includes emergency contact numbers for parents/guardians and medical information concerning each student. Parents are urged to call the school nurse right away if any of this information changes during the school year.

Influenza Information

The NYS Health Department requires all school districts to provide parents with information about influenza and the benefits of influenza immunizations. More information.


There are times when students require medications to be administered in school. The School Nurse will administer any medications that the student’s parent’s wish them to have in school as long as 1) a written order from a duly licensed prescriber and 2) written parental permission to administer the medication are filed in the Health Office. Students may not carry or administer medications in school unless written orders from their physician and their parents are filed in the Health Office. Please contact your School Nurse for more information.


ParentSquare is the communication platform used by the East Greenbush CSD to share information with families. All important notifications, such as school closings and delays, news and upcoming events, will be sent to parents through this platform. More information.

Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

Each school has an active Parent-Teacher Organization. Please contact your child’s school for more information on how to join.

Pesticide Notification

New York State Education Law Section 409-H, and State Education Department Commissioner’s Regulation 155.24, effective July 1, 2001, requires all public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year. More information.

Physical Examinations

New York State Education Law mandates that school children have a physical examination at the following grade levels: kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and all new students to the district. This examination must be completed within one calendar year of entering. NYS Education Law also requests a Dental Examination at the above grade level. Please let your school health office know your plans for a physical as early as possible. Physical Exam Form.

Registering a Child

For information on registering a child visit the Registration page here.

Release of Information to the Military and Institutions of Higher Learning

Pursuant to the Every Student Succeeds Act, the school district must disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of high school students. The district must also notify parents of their right and the right of their child to request that the district not release such information without prior written parental consent. Parents, or students who are at least 18 years old, may exercise the option to withhold their consent to release this information by contacting the principal’s office at Columbia High School. Withhold Consent Form.

Report Anonymous Tip

Students, parents/guardians or community members can use this anonymous form to notify the school about issues/concerns at school, such as threats of violence or bullying. Report Anonymous Tip.

Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect

NYS Education Law requires all school employees report allegations of child abuse or neglect. Parents may also report allegations of child abuse. The law establishes a reporting process, as well as the required roles and responsibilities.

RevTrak Online Payment System

Families can use our online payment system to pay registration fees for AP Exams, PSATs and music festivals. RevTrak Online Payment System.

School Delay and Closing FAQ

The purpose of this FAQ list is to provide parents and community members with information necessary to be prepared for the school delay or closing of the East Greenbush Central School District. More information.

School Records

Parents of students under 18 (and students age 18 or older) have a right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data directly related to their children or themselves. The parents should request access to school records in writing from the principal, guidance counselor, or Superintendent of Schools. Upon receipt of the request, arrangements will be made to provide access to the requested records within a reasonable period of time, not more than 45 days after the request has been received. Parents and students are also entitled to a hearing to challenge the content of such records. Any questions concerning the procedure to be followed in requesting such a hearing should be directed to the Superintendent. Student records are confidential and may not be released or made available to persons other than parents or students without written consent. There are a number of exceptions to this rule, such as school employees and officials, as well as certain state and federal officials, who have a legitimate educational need for access to such records in the course of their employment.

Special Education

The district is responsible for providing special education services to all resident students who qualify for such supports. These services are coordinated by the district’s Pupil Personnel Services.

Student Directory Information

Parents and or students who do not wish directory information (name, age, address, and home telephone number) to be disclosed should notify, in writing, the Public Records Access Officer or Superintendent of Schools at: East Greenbush Central School District, Administration Center, 29 Englewood Avenue, East Greenbush, NY 12061. FERPA notice.

Student Privacy

Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), parents have the right to inspect and opt their child out of any student survey that reveals information about personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs.  Parents also have the right to receive notice of and opt their child out of any activities that involve the collection, disclosure or use of a student’s personal information for marketing purposes and out of any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening, except for hearing, vision and scoliosis screenings or as permitted or required by state law.

Technology Curriculum Tutorials

Learn how teachers use technology to enhance student learning. Technology Tutorials.

Textbook Return (parochial and out-of-district)

Students residing within the East Greenbush Central School District, attending parochial, private, or out-of-district schools are reminded that all textbooks must be returned at the end of the school year to the Questar III office located at 1070 Route 9 (rear entrance) in Castleton. Please call 518-479-6984 for information.


The district transports nearly 5,000 students to over 60 schools encompassing four counties twice a day. More information.

Visiting Schools

To ensure the safety of our students, it is the policy of the district’s Board of Education that all building visitors must report to the main office of the school they are visiting. The Board defines a visitor as a person not employed by the school district or not enrolled in the school in which he or she is visiting.