Emergency Go Home Drill – November 10

Emergency Go Home Drill – November 10

All district schools will dismiss 15 minutes early on Thursday, November 10 for a state-mandated Emergency Go Home Drill. All students will be dismissed to the location parents have indicated on the Student Verification Form in case of an emergency closing. This drill is designed so that our district can practice procedures for transporting students home in the event that inclement weather or a similar emergency affects our schools.

Cafeterias Celebrate ‘Peace, Love and School Lunch’

Cafeterias Celebrate ‘Peace, Love and School Lunch’

Cafeterias in the East Greenbush Central School District celebrated National School Lunch Week from October 11 through October 15. As part of the “Peace, Love and School Lunch” theme, the cafeterias had groovy decorations and served some of students’ favorite meals such as pizza, tacos and breakfast for lunch day.