BRAC Meeting – September 16, 2019

Handouts – Committee Summary, Website Financial Information, North Greenbush Developments

Call to Order – 7:32 p.m.


  • BRAC : Ms. Burgess, Ms. Garrigan-Piela, Mr. Jeffers, Ms. Noeth, Mr. Noeth, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Romanowski, Ms. Tooker
  • Board/Admin : Mr. Simons, Mr. Edson
  • Guests: Mr. Bordick (CASDA), Dr. Steele (CASDA), Mr. Harris (Town of Schodack), Mr. Lacivita (Town of North Greenbush)

Attendance Zones Study – Towns of Schodack and North Greenbush

Supervisor Harris said the Scannell Properties project on Route 9 in Schodack is progressing to build the Amazon distribution center. He advised that it will be a 1.3 million square foot building, and could create 800 to 1,000 jobs. The Supervisor hoped the project would lead to revitalization of the Route 9 corridor both in Schodack and East Greenbush. The project will be under a Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement (PILOT) with the Rensselaer County Industrial Development Agency (IDA). Approximate share for the East Greenbush Central School District will be $600,000+ a year, likely beginning in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The center will also spur sewer and water line construction along Route 9.

Supervisor Harris believed that with the infusion of new jobs there will likely be an increase in housing and apartment developments. He also spoke about possible plans for reuse of the Fort Orange Mill property and uncertainty regarding the former Evergreen Country Club. The Supervisor commented that the Town does not have funds to purchase stop arm cameras for buses in the four school districts comprising the Town. Mr. Simons shared information with the group on the District’s collaboration with the Town of East Greenbush on the Operation Red Lights program.

Mr. Lacivita reviewed a schedule of planned housing and commercial developments in the Town of North Greenbush. He noted that the Rensselaer Technology Park is redoing its master plan.

Attendance Zones Study Update

Mr. Bordick explained he is now serving as Interim Superintendent at the Ichabod Crane Central School District and has turned over the study to Dr. Steele at CASDA. Dr. Steele shared his background as an administrator at the Maplewood and North Colonie School Districts. Mr. Bordick advised the report contents are well underway and the November 18 draft and December 11 presentation dates should be met.


Mr. Edson advised BRAC members that the District website has been updated with financial information, and he invited them to review the documents and comment. Some of the documents include:

  • Reserve Plan
  • 2019-2020 NYS Funding Transparency Form
  • Assessed Value Comparison 2009-2019
  • Equalization Rates 2004-2019
  • Full Value and Assessed Value Tax Rate History 2008-2019
  • Full Value Comparison 2009-2019
  • Homestead Tax Rates 2009-2019
  • Non-homestead Tax Rates 2009-2019
  • School Tax Bills 2006-2019
  • School Property Tax Presentation
  • District Releases Tax Bill Information Article
  • Q&A: School Property Taxes
  • Tax Exemptions Available to EGCSD Taxpayers

Mr. Edson also distributed a draft committee summary. The summary is designed to align committee work with 2019-2020 Board of Education goals and the strategic plan. He asked members to comment, provide corrections, and make suggestions. Mr. Edson reviewed the series of meeting dates and topics with the committee. He noted the District has launched a “Count Me In” campaign this fall to try to capture data on future students currently ages 0 to 5. Mr. Adam, Public Relations Specialist, is tentatively scheduled to attend the October 28 meeting to share an update on the campaign.

Adjournment – 9:18 p.m.