Genet Hosts South Korean Pen Pal Cultural Evening

Genet Hosts South Korean Pen Pal Cultural Evening

As a follow-up to a Pen Pal Project with a South Korean school from last year, Genet Elementary School and the English as a New Language Department hosted a South Korean Pen Pal Cultural Evening on May 24 in the Genet Auditorium. The event welcomed back Genet 5th grade students from last year who participated in the Pen Pal Project and included a video produced by the South Korean students and special guest speakers.

Voters Approve 2023-24 School Budget

Voters Approve 2023-24 School Budget

East Greenbush Central School District residents approved the proposed school budget for 2023-24 earlier today. The $108 million budget will maintain programs and services and it includes staffing additions, technology upgrades, facility improvements and funding to continue the Pre-K Program. Additionally, voters approved the purchase of eight school buses from the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.