Budget Vote graphicDistrict residents will vote on the proposed school budget for 2019-20 on Tuesday, May 21 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The proposed budget, which maintains all current programs and services, totals $95,925,684, an increase of 1.76% from last year.

The proposed tax levy increase is 3.69%, which is below the New York State property tax cap of 4.84% that applies to East Greenbush, requiring a simple majority to pass the budget.

In addition to the school budget, voters will decide on the purchase of eight new school buses out of the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund and elect three Board of Education members to three-year terms.

2019-20 Budget Vote and Board Election Ballot

Proposition 1: School Budget

  • Proposed school budget of $95.9 million
  • Tax levy increase of 3.69%, which is below the state tax cap of 4.84%
  • Maintains all programs and services
  • Addition of three elementary classroom teachers, .5 Academic Intervention Services teacher at Citizen Genet and a .5 school safety supervisor at Columbia

Proposition 2: Bus Purchase from Reserve Fund

  • Four 66-passenger buses and four 30-passenger buses
  • Purchased from voter-approved reserve fund so there is no impact to taxpayers
  • New York State will reimburse the District for 64.1% the total bus purchase

Board of Education Election

  • Three candidates for three seats on the Board of Education
    • Karen Curran, Deanna Muth, Michele Skumurski

Polling Places

  • Bell Top Elementary School – Residents of the Town of North Greenbush
  • Howard L. Goff Middle School – Residents of the Town of East Greenbush
  • Donald P. Sutherland Elementary School – Residents of the Towns of Sand Lake or Chatham or residents with a Nassau mailing address
  • Green Meadow Elementary School – Residents of the Town of Schodack who do not have a Nassau mailing address
